EmployerOne Survey Observations 2019
The EmployerOne Survey was conducted for the fifth time in January 2019 in the four county region, which includes the counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron, and Perth. In total, 499 businesses responded to the survey; 436 businesses completed all questions and 63 businesses completed some of the questions in the survey. Collectively, respondents represent 29,267 employees. These business respondents continue to provide valuable insights into changes in the local labour market.
In this report:
- Highlight Observations
- Background
- Methodology
- General Labour Market Conditions
- Availability Of Qualified Workers
- Employment Dynamics In 2018
- Anticipated Hires And Recruitment
- Business Investment In Training
- Comments From Employers
- Factors Related To Employer Success
- Conclusion

Local Lenses by County
Below you will find links to the Local Lenses by County. These reports are specific to the individual regions.
In these reports:
- Economic Profiles
- Workforce Breakdown
- Top 3 Methods of Recruitment
- Hiring Dynamics
- Retention Dynamics
- Training Barriers
- Skills Shortages
- Hard-to-fill Positions
Local Lenses by Sector
Below you will find links to the Local Lenses by Sector. These reports are specific to the different employment sectors found within our region. These sectors include Agriculture, Construction, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail Trade and Tourism.
In these reports:
- Economic Profiles
- Workforce Breakdown
- Top 3 Methods of Recruitment
- Hiring Dynamics
- Retention Dynamics
- Training Barriers
- Skills Shortages
- Hard-to-fill Positions