Since 1997 the board has been delivering on our Vision, Mission and Mandates. They are updated to meet the ever changing workforce landscape and guide the day-to-day operations of our organization, partnership development and project activity of the Board.
About Us
Planning for a Sustainable Workforce.
We are one of 25 Local Workforce Boards of Ontario funded by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD). Our mandates focus on Workforce Development and Employer Engagment Initatives. Our board supports all stakeholders in the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region which includes Bruce, Grey, Huron and Perth counties and the municipalities that fall within our region. Local Boards are convinced that “grassroots input” is absolutely essential in reaching a better understanding of local labour markets.
Our Vision
To be the preferred source of relevant and reliable data that supports evidence-based decisions for a sustainable and prosperous labour market.
Our Mission
The Four County Labour Market Planning Board facilitates effective labour market strategies through data analysis to meet the challenges of an ever-changing economy.
Our Mandate
The Four County Labour Market Planning Board plays a leadership role in the development of innovative labour market strategies by:
- Providing accurate and useful labour market information;
- Identifying employment trends and opportunities;
- Promoting and supporting skills development; and,
- Raising public awareness of workforce challenges.
The Board accomplishes its mandate by working collaboratively with business, workforce and community organizations to address the unique needs of workforce development in the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region (Bruce, Grey, Huron and Perth counties).
Our Values
All our actions will be congruent with our core values. We are committed to:
- Leadership that is innovative and collaborative;
- Integrity that upholds a strong ethical code of conduct and continuously
builds trust with our partners, sponsors and communities; - Supporting diversity, equity and inclusion for all community members;
- Acting in an accountable and open manner;
- Achieving maximum impact for the long-term sustainability of our
organization and communities; - Conduct which is professional and respectful.