The Four County Labour Market Planning Board (Planning Board) exists to help build a strong and vibrant workforce from the inside out. We investigate situations, interview stakeholders and initialize activities that create a foundation for appropriate workforce training and education to provide employers with the best skilled workforce possible.
Get Involved ...
Become a Director
For questions contact or 519-881-2725 Ext 126
Required Time Commitment
Required time commitment for General Board meetings involves 2 hours per meeting, approximately 9 meetings per year. Note: This may vary slightly if you are an active sub-committee member. Board member terms are three years with the opportunity to renew up to three consequtive terms. First terms may be shorter if you are filling an unfulfilled term vacancy.
Meetings are typically held virtually via video-conferencing with occasional requests for in person meetings (1 to 2 times per fiscal year).
Board Member Responsibilities
Each Board Director of the Planning Board represents a particular labour market sector or employment group. Directors provide representation by presenting their knowledge of workforce issues in Board discussions and ensuring that the board is made aware of any valuable connections where possible. The board of directors plays a critical role in setting the Vision, Mission, Mandates and Values of the organization. This is done through formal consultations, board discussions and annual planning to ensure the organization remains current.