Workforce Focus October 28 2014

By October 28, 2014 March 13th, 2020 Reports 2014, Workforce Focus, Workforce Focus Podcast 2014

Workforce Focus October 28 2014

This episode of Workforce Focus featured The Kinetic Knights Robotics Team 781. The Kinetic Knights is a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team run by students from Kincardine. The FRC program allows students to apply skills learned in the classroom while sparking interest in Science, Technolog, Engineering and Math. Gemma was joined in studio by Lana Splettstoesser, Donor Relations Lead; Dary Watterworth, Administration; Greg Reid, Build Captain; and Bill Jackson, Mentor.

Workforce Focus

October 28, 2014

Additional Resources

Learn more about The Kinetic Knights Robotics Team 781 visit their website: 

A great article to read: Robots the Final Frontier

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