Workforce Focus February 2 2016

By February 2, 2016 March 13th, 2020 Reports 2016, Workforce Focus, Workforce Focus Podcast 2016

Workforce Focus February 2 2016

In this episode of Workforce Focus, Gemma is joined in studio by Deb Fawcett, Project Co-ordinator of the Hawks’ Nest.

The Saugeen Economic Development Corporation has partnered with the Bruce Community Futures Development Corporation to deliver the “HAWKS’ NEST”; a Dragons’ Den-inspired competition. Entrepreneurs who want to start, diversify or expand an existing business in the Grey, Bruce, Wellington North or Minto area will be able to pitch their ideas in an attempt to secure financial support from local angel investors – the “Hawks”.

Listen to our latest episode to learn more about this fantastic opportunity for local entrepreneurs.

Hawks' Nest - A Dragons' Den Inspired Event

Workforce Focus

February 2, 2016

Additional Resources

Get more details about the Hawks’ Nest event visit

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