February 2016 – Gains In Full Time Employment

By February 5, 2016 March 11th, 2020 News, News Release 2016

News Release

February 2016 – Gains In Full Time Employment

Media Information:

Walkerton (Feb. 5, 2016) – Ontario began 2016 with an employment rate of 60.5% and a participation rate of 64.6%, while the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula region saw the year start at rates of 56.8% and 60.2% respectively.

Employment increased by 2,200 in the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula economic region between December 2015 and January 2016. These gains were seen in full-time employment (+3,100) while part-time lost (-900) ground.

When looking at employment by industry during this same time, the Services-producing sector saw the most gains locally with employment expanding by +1,700 in Wholesale and retail trade. This sector also saw the highest employment loss with -900 in Business, building and other support services.

Both Utilities and Construction in the Goods-producing sector saw employment expand by +700 respectively, while employment in Manufacturing fell (-1,100).

Disappointing news in the fourth quarter of 2015 will find the Kraft Heinz Company closing its’ food processing plant in St. Mary’s by 2017, representing a loss of 214 jobs.

Following labour market events is key to helping job seekers understand where the opportunities (short, medium, long term) might be in local communities.

Employers in Bruce, Grey, Huron and Perth counties can help the Four County Labour Market Planning Board understand the region’s workforce needs by completing an EmployerOne Survey available January 1 to 31, 2016. Employers can visit www.planningboard.ca/survey to complete the survey.

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Note: Statistics Canada’s monthly Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment and unemployment, based on a sampling of households in communities. Stratford-Bruce Peninsula figures represent a three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality.

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