EmployerOne Survey Observations 2015
The EmployerOne Survey was conducted for the first time in January 2015 for the Four County Area which includes the Counties of Bruce, Grey, Huron and Perth. In total, 222 businesses completed the survey, representing 14,297 employees. The business respondents provided valuable insights regarding their labour outlook. While businesses face many obstacles, the goal of the survey is to understand their labour market
challenges in order to provide direction on activities and initiatives that will minimize labour issues.
General Labour Market Conditions
While Four County Area businesses have unique labour needs, the general conditions of the local labour market set the stage for survey responses. In 2014, the local labour market consisted of 158,600 persons: an estimated 151,000 residents were employed and 7,600 residents were unemployed (unable to find employment). Four County’s 4.8 percent unemployment rate (in 2014) is considerably lower than Ontario’s 7.3 percent, suggesting a much tighter supply of local labour.

Local Lenses by County
Below you will find links to the Local Lenses by County. These reports are specific to the individual regions.
In these reports:
- Top Recruitment Methods
- Top Retention Methods
- Hard-To-Fill Jobs
- Skills Shortage
- In-Demand Jobs
- In-Demand Technical Skills
- In-Demand Workplace Competencies
Local Lenses by Sector
Below you will find links to the Local Lenses by Sector. These reports are specific to the different employment sectors found within our region. These sectors include Agriculture, Construction, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail Trade and Tourism.
In these reports:
- Survey Key Findings
- Sector Profile
- Recruitment
- Hiring Trends
- Retention Challenges
- Hard-to-Fill Jobs
- Training
- Education