The 2023 Employee Survey has Launched

By September 1, 2023 September 20th, 2023 News, News Release 2023


Walkerton, ON (September 1, 2023) – The 2023 Employee Survey has Launched!

The Four County Labour Market Planning Board and Advisory Partners have launched the re-designed 2023 Employee Survey.

In a tight labour market, retention and attraction of qualified candidates becomes an ominous task for many organizations. We last surveyed workers in 2018 prior to the pandemic. In the past few years what is important to the local workforce has changed significantly. The 2023 Employee Survey will re-engage the workforce in Bruce, Grey, Huron and Perth to find out what matters most to retain and attract them.

This survey was designed to gain valuable feedback from both Employees and Job Seekers. Local data supports the success of projects and initiatives that address the needs of our workforce. The final report will be shared with local employers, economic development offices, employment services, literacy & basic skills trainers, educators and community stakeholders.

The survey opens on September 1, 2023 and closes on November 1, 2023. The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 5 mins to complete. For more information or to complete the survey, visit

“We would like to extend a huge thank you to our advisory partners for their support and guidance in designing and promoting this survey” says Dana Soucie, Executive Director. “We encourage others to share the survey within your community; our success is your success”

If you would like to speak with us about this project or how we can assist you with your workforce needs, please do not hesitate to contact us at 519-881-2725.

Download a PDF version of this media release.

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