News Release
September 2015 – Unemployment Rate Continues To Rise
Media Information:
Gemma Mendez-Smith
Walkerton (Sept. 4, 2015) – The unemployment rates for both the province and the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula economic region increased in the month of August. While the province saw a marginal increase from 6.8% to 7.1%, the local economic region saw a significantly higher increase from 5.4% to 6.1%
Employment in the region, full-time and part-time, lost ground with losses of 3,700 in full-time work and 1,600 in part-time. At the provincial level, full-time employment rose slightly, while part-time experienced similar losses to the local region.
The Stratford-Bruce Peninsula economic region recorded similar job losses to the province, but on a much smaller scale last month. While the province saw a loss of 6,900 jobs in Trade and 23,300 losses in Educational Services, the local region saw losses of 3,500 jobs in Trades and 1,400 in Educational Services. Employment growth provincially was driven with the addition of 13,600 jobs and 6,900 additional jobs in Professional, scientific and technical services. Gains in the local region were found in Manufacturing with the addition of 2,000 jobs, while Business, building and other support services saw an increase of 300 new jobs.
While the province has seen significant job losses in Education, a loss of 59,000 jobs since June, the local economic region has still seen a bigger percentage of job loss of 26.6% as compared to the province with a loss of 11% (2,800) during the same time period.
The Four County Labour Market Planning Board, one of 26 non-profit organizations in Ontario that play a leadership role in labour force planning, continues to with businesses and community groups to address the most pressing concerns, deliver the most up-to-date information, and the catalyst for building a strong economic climate through community activities.
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Note: Statistics Canada’s monthly Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment andunemployment, based on a sampling of households in communities. Stratford-Bruce Peninsula figures represent a three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality.