Four County Labour Market Planning Board Releases the 2024 Local Labour Market Plan

By February 23, 2024 March 15th, 2024 News, News Release 2024

Four County Labour Market Planning Board Releases the 2024 Local Labour Market Plan

Walkerton, ON (February 23, 2024) – The Four County Labour Marketing Planning Board (FCLMPB) has released the 2024 Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region Local Labour Market Plan (LLMP).

The purpose of the Local Labour Market Plan (LLMP) is to assess recent labour market developments; identify significant labour market issues within the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region; convey to the community the nature and complexity of these issues; and put forth specific actions that will help alleviate identified labour market challenges.

We would like to express our appreciation for the valuable insights and support from our Partners, Advisory Committee Members, Employers, Employees, Job Seekers, Employment Service Providers, Ontario Works, and Literacy and Basic Skills organizations.   Funded by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD), the Planning Board is very grateful for the collaboration received during the collection and analysis of the data for the current Local Labour Market Plan.

The outcome of the LLMP and its resulting initiatives are designed to support area residents join or remain in the job market and to help employers access the workers/skills they need to be competitive in the global economy. In support of this aim, the LLMP provides insights into the Training, Education, Experience and Responsibility (TEER) required for occupations by a thorough evaluation of the regional data on the new National Occupation Classification (NOC 2021).

The report can be found on   Engagement sessions will be held in the spring to review the data and outcomes of our 2023-2024 reports and projects.  Watch our social media channels and monthly newsletters for scheduled dates.  Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us for discussions.


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