August 2018 – Local Unemployment Rate Remains The Same In July

By August 10, 2018 March 11th, 2020 News, News Release 2018

News Release

August 2018 – Local Unemployment Rate Remains The Same In July

Media Information:

Walkerton, ON (August, 10 2018) – In July, the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region still held the lowest unemployment rate in the province at 3.0%, while the provincial unemployment rate rose .1 percentage from 5.8% to 5.9%.

Employment increased by 2,800 in the region with full-time increases (+5,400) offsetting part-time declines (-2,600) in July.

The number of Goods-producing sector employees increased by 3,000 in the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region. More people were working in Construction (+3,800) and Agriculture (+200), while at the same time employment fell in Utilities (-700) and Manufacturing (-600).

In the Services-producing sector, employment fell by 300 in the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region. The largest monthly gains were in Health care and social assistance (+1,300), Information, culture and recreation (+900), and Professional, scientific and technical services (+800) and Wholesale and Retail trade (+800). Employment losses were felt in Educational services (-1,300) and Transportation and warehousing (-800), followed closely by Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing (-700).

According to a July 2018 article in MoneySense, Saugeen Shores has earned the number 14 spot as one of the best places to live in Canada. Ranking was based on wealth and economy, affordability, population growth, taxes, commute, crime, weather, access to health care, amenities and culture.

Note: Statistics Canada’s monthly Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment and unemployment, based on a sampling of households in communities. Stratford-Bruce Peninsula figures represent a three-month moving average, unadjusted for seasonality.

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