EmployerOne Survey Launch

By October 2, 2024 News, News Release 2024


Walkerton, ON (October 2, 2024) – The 2024-25 EmployerOne Survey has launched.

We would like to invite all businesses in Bruce, Grey, Huron and Perth counties to complete the survey.   Without local data we can’t support and plan for the resources needed to support our local workforce.   Your Workforce.  Our Future.

The ongoing importance of EmployerOne is the survey’s ability to collect and summarize local workforce data directly from employers and entrepreneurs.   This information is crucial to local organizations engaged in workforce attraction and retention strategies, strategic planning, and other community projects requiring local labour market data.

Reliable and accurate local data can be challenging to find as it is not always available.   The EmployerOne Survey continues to fill this need for many local organizations.   The EmployerOne Survey observations have supported the success of many programs and policy changes as a result.

With consistently the lowest unemployment rate in Ontario, and as a rural region, we have unique and diverse workforce needs.   This year’s survey has some new questions and sections that we are excited to roll out.   We are thankful for our Advisory Partners support and look forward to seeing the responses.

“Data collection is an important part to the research and work we do at the board.  Our staff are excited to gather the results of the survey to better serve our local workforce partners” says Dana Soucie, Executive Director.   “We thank those who participate and share the survey and look forward to hearing your feedback.

For more information and details of the programs and projects the survey has directly supported visit our “Did you Know Campaign” on the EmployerOne Survey page at www.planningboard.ca/employeronesurvey.  You can also contact our staff directly should you wish to meet and discuss your workforce needs.

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